Monday, March 25, 2013

Being a Witness to Sex

A few days ago, my fiance (who shall be known from hereon as Wowzer) attended a cunnilingus demonstration hosted by the local sex positive organization.  When the event was announced, I suggested it to Wowzer, thinking it might spark some interest but, I was also nervous and a small part of me hoped the idea would get vetoed.  Wowzer is already quite skilled at oral sex, frequently eliciting orgasms in the double digits during it.  But, he liked the idea.  The event booked up fast--so fast that friends of ours were unable to get in only a few hours after we did.

Confession:  I had never seen another couple having sex, aside from porn.  And, everyone knows how orchestrated porn is. My imaginative powers aside, this demo presented sex in a different way than I had ever experienced it before.

The demonstration:  three couples performed while about 30 people watched them.  Despite my nerves, the environment was utterly comfortable and relaxed.  The couples were all long-term partners and displayed a deep knowledge of each other's bodies and, obviously, trust for each other and the group.  As one of the hosts said all the people there were friends.  And that feeling of connection and trust was pervasive as the evening progressed.  I would rate this as one of the healthiest, most positive sexual experiences I've had.

As a learning experience, the setting was both an asset and a detriment.  Thirty people crowded in a living room don't allow for seeing as well as would have been ideal.  Wowzer's review was, in part, that he felt he knew much of what was demonstrated and discussed.  No surprise to me.  But, I did learn more about my comfort zone and how shared sexual experiences can be not only healthy but a great boost for one's confidence.  All the participants were beautiful but also very real and normal.  I can only hope that more opportunities like this will present themselves in future.


  1. I have been wanting to attend one of their demos for a while now. Was hoping to go to this one, but too many things got in the way. I'm glad to see it was such a positive experience for you guys.

  2. I was there, too, and basically share Wowzer's observation. I did not find it particularly informative regarding cunnilingus (lots of common sense) but do agree that the environment was comfortable and relaxed.
